Breaking up is hard to do

I’m not talking about romantic relationships, but rather breaking habits (for some, that may be their significant other). As the New Year approaches many of us are starting to think about resolutions. Whether that is the term you use or not, chances are you have already started to think about the changes you want to make in the year 2012.

Two years ago one of my goals was to stop using plastic bags. So I bought a couple of the reusable, recycled bags they sell in the grocery stores. I did pretty good at first remembering to bring them with when I went shopping, but most of the time I forgot and resorted to using plastic or paper bags. Today as I walked into the grocery store I realized I have finally made it a habit to always have one with me in the car, at home, work, etc. Oh the feeling of accomplishment…

I love the New Year because I like change, fresh starts, and an opportunity to reflect on the past. Besides, who doesn’t enjoy thinking about their future “ideal self?” If only we could overcome those bad habits and replace them with healthy ones!

I usually make a long list of things I would like to accomplish. But, like most, I don’t end up accomplishing the majority of them. Some years I completely strike out. This could be for a number of reasons:

1. I set too many goals
2. Some goals may be a little unrealistic
3. I get distracted and lose focus
4. My goals are too general (ex: learn to cook. Learn to cook what?)
5. Let’s just face it: habits are hard to break

This year I want to learn time management skills, so my first step is easy: make a list of resolutions and list them in order of priority. Then narrow down and focus on the most important ones first. This brings me to my reason for blogging. Maybe if I sit down every once in awhile to write down my random thoughts they won’t clog my brain throughout the day.

Hey, I focused long enough to write this? Another feeling of accomplishment…